Deep Dive Co. Ltd. was founded by professional divers. With that first-hand knowledge, we are able to deal professionally, appropriately and effectively with all aspects of commercial diving and underwater operations. We offer a broad range of specialized services to both the government and the private sector. Our goal is to provide high-quality, professional, commercial diving services at competitive prices to fully meet each client’s individual requirements.
Established in 2011, Deep Dive Co. Ltd. draws on a wealth of experience and employs only qualifies experienced commercial divers who have a combined experience of 12 years in the commercial diving sector.
Mission Statement
The mission of Deep Dive Co. Ltd. is to provide safe, high-quality, cost-effective services which are responsive, flexible, and innovative in meeting our clients’ needs, done so in an atmosphere of ethical conduct, mutual trust and great teamwork.
Employee Training Standards
Deep Dive Co. Ltd requires all diving and on-site personnel to successfully complete periodic internal training. Our training programs conform to the guidelines set forth by the following international associations for the highest standards of diving and safety.
The International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA)
Association of Diving Contractors International (ADCI)
Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS)
International Diving Schools Association (IDSA)
All Deep Dive Co. Ltd employees are required to implement these guideline standards while performing any tasks in accordance with our Quality Program. Additionally, each employee is orally tested before each project to verify their proficiency and knowledge of updated industry standards.