Work with us:
At Deep Dive Co. Ltd our people come first. We take pride in working hard and supporting our team members in all of their career endeavors.
Professional Pride:
We value individual professional pride and passion for our craft, our work, and our industry. Deep Dive Co. Ltd employees love what they do, and strive to be the best they can be in their professional endeavors.
Safety in the workplace is paramount to us. Our safety philosophy emphasizes working closely and effectively with fellow employees and clients, focusing especially on clear communication, to ensure a safe working environment.
To Apply:
To be considered for employment at Deep Dive Co. Ltd, please submit your details and resume to hr@deepdive.com.sa
All resumes are to be a summary only and should list the following details:
Highest qualification and level held (HSE or ADAS 1-2-3-4)
Medical status
Any other relevant qualifications held
A brief summary of work experience
Contact details with mobile phone number
You should include a single-color photograph.
Do not attach scanned copies of certificates.
Do not attempt to make your training appear as work experience.
Keep file size to a maximum of 400 KB.
Larger documents will be deleted from the database.
Overseas Applicants
Foreign applicants are also invited to forward their resumes for inclusion onto our data base, however, be aware that Deep Dive Co. Ltd is based in Saudi Arabia and generally most projects are undertaken wholly within GCC territories.
Commercial Diving